which is the proper thing to do in regards the loan. All these sign pounders that say they'll "push the lender along", seem to have complete disregard for your privacy, as well as the privacy policies of the lender.
Personally, I'm happy to give everyone (buyer, buyer's agent) updates on where I am with someone's loan, but the moment an agent tries to "push me along" to meet dates they set without checking first on what's realistic, they get the sound of a dial tone.
you are stuck with that REALTOR
no you're not. Your buyer agreement is with the real estate brokerage, not with the agent, you can be assigned a different agent, just call the broker or broker of record.
Source: http://www.zillow.com/advice-thread/what-should-my-realtor-be-doing-during-escrow/481630/
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